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The Lazy King (Web Novel)

The Lazy King

Associated Names:

Daraku no Ou, 堕落の王




Tsukikage, 槻影


By the time I realized it, I had reincarnated into another world.

I kept sleeping, and at some point I became a Demon Lord.

Even though I never wished for it.

But for me to not have to work, this world is the best. It must be true that good things happen to good people.

The flavor of Sloth is as sweet as honey. Glory, diligence, virtue, or honor. I have no interest in anything like that.

What’s there to hide? The Lazy king is… none other than me.

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00 days 18h 15m 43s. (18 hours) • 1076 • 2022-02-12 12:20:33

Chapters (61/0)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
